Sunday, October 17, 2010

well, I guess I should post something

So, it's been awhile. Life has been crazy. Here is a recap.
  • Father was diagnosed with bladder cancer and died 3 months later
  • We moved to California for a year to take care of his "estate"
  • So far have made over two dozen dump runs so far in taking care of his "estate"
  • Much great writing, artwork, and photographs from my dad's have been collected
  • My niece just got home from her mission in Indonesia
  • Have reconnected with old friends
  • Have visited old outdoor stomping grounds - Wright's Lake, Horsetail Falls, Icehouse, SF of the American, Quintette, Apple Hill, Bodega Bay, Redwoods, etc
  • Have been writing my own stories based on concepts by my father
  • Went to Hawaii with my wife, son, my brother and his family
  • My son is growing. He talks, swims (with a life jacket), runs, laughs, flies kites, and is in general, a great joy to me
  • My wife is patient (usually) and is fabulous for being a willing participant in this year long adventure
Life is pretty good, despite the death of my father. I find that when I am not angry at him for being a hoarder and putting me through this...trial?... I really do miss him. I wish Ethan was old enough to be able to remember him, but it is what it is. His house is haunted by my memories of him.


c said...

Sweet. I love this.

Los Peña said...

Mr. Strayer, I don't know if you remember us we met almost 2 years ago now. Our daughter Eva was born with a terminal brain condition and you helped us out with taking incredible pictures of us to share with our family. I'm really sorry to hear about your dad I lost my father 9 years ago and I'm know what it feels like to wish you children had met your father. Eva is going to be 2 in January, she has proven to be our little miracle. Our family has grown, we had a son this last summer. Thank you so much Mr. Strayer for giving us incredible memories!!

Reluctant Conquistador said...

I think you have every right to call Dad's house a "trial"... I'll be there in a couple of weeks to help ease the burden. Thanks for all that you do! In solidarity, Mike.